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10 Work Rules for Women: Digital Download

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10 Work Rules for Women: Digital Download


I do not believe that you can flourish by simply putting your head down and getting to work. I also believe that race and gender show up in the work-place and you can either ignore it, or clock it and move accordingly to ensure that you are being properly paid, promoted and recognized at work.

Rule #1: 10 percent of your job is actually doing your job, the other 90 percent is managing small talk, your boss, your co-workers, your reputation and your salary.

Rule #2 The work place is not a meritocracy.

Rule #3 You must know your baseline misery level and baseline happiness level, and build your life around it, if you want to have joy and happiness.

If you like these three rules then this journal is for you. I have even included an extra three as a bonus.

The 10 Work Rules for Women is a journal designed to help you to get clear on your career management strategy. It will help you to identify and navigate allies, bullies, mentors and perhaps most importantly your internal voice at work so that you can thrive.|

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The journal will be emailed to you on 3/1/24 for Women's History Month.

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